Summer Courses Hong Kong 2021
2021暑期班正式推出! Fun To Learn's summer courses will not only prevent the dreaded school holiday boredom but will also give kids a fun and enriching summer experience they’ll absolutely love. Restart your child’s English learning adventure with our fun and interactive courses while helping them develop a variety of learning skills to prepare for the next school year!
小朋友受疫情影響,整整失去了一年多的正常學習與社交機會。是時候趁住暑假重新出發,補償疫情間虛度的光陰,與我們度過一個FUNtastic Summer! 今年Fun To Learn推出每年大熱之Fun Reading & Creative Drawing班,Kiddie ChatterBox會話班及Pre-School K1預備班,小朋友同時報讀兩個課程,更有95折優惠呢。名額有限,請盡快與我們聯繫以預留位置。
所有課程由專業外藉老師全英語教授 小班形式授課 課堂每節一小時
WhatsApp number: 5406 7893 Shop 7, 2/F, Lung Fung Garden, No.33 Lung Shum Avenue, Sheung Shui, Hong Kong