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Grammar & Writing for P1 - P6

Fun To Learn不僅提供有趣認真的英文教學,老師、職員都充滿愛心_edi
不知不覺間來Fun To Learn已有六、七年的時間,由最初看見Issac抗拒
不經不覺我的女兒在Fun To Learn已經第四個年頭了_edited.jpg
先感謝Fun To Learn所有老師教導。我三位小孩一直都是玩住學去吸收學英文
多謝你們悉心教導,在Fun To Learn,不單是教與學,更重要的是令小女對英
My husband and I feel that the teachers

                      What differentiates us from other centres' grammar classes?

   Our grammar and writing classes are designed to follow and revise the curriculum of local schools. Instead of doing by-topic grammar booklets, we provide test papers so that students are ready to sit their school exams. Parent feedback indicates that over 95% of students required less final preparation time for exams and achieved excellent results.

Practice makes perfect!

 Want to know more details about our methodology? Just read below.

A well-structured paragraph is the foundation of great writing. In our Grammar & Writing program, students learn to write well-constructed paragraphs. They will also learn the proper use of punctuation, different tenses, irregular verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and prepositions.

Our Grammar & Writing classes are designed to follow and revise the curriculum of local schools. Instead of doing by-topic grammar booklets, we provide test papers so that students are ready to sit their school exams throughout the academic year. Parent feedback indicates that over 95% of students required less final preparation time for exams and achieved excellent results. Practice makes perfect!

Our Class Routine:

-       In the first 5 minutes, children greet one another as well as the teacher and get ready for the lesson.

-       The next 10 to 15 minutes: Teaching on the whiteboard.

-       From the 10th to 40th minute: Reading comprehension and grammar practice.

-       The last 20 minutes: Creative writing and/or fun activities.


Fun, Interactive Activities:

- Charades,

- Guessing games,

- Spelling games.


Main Features of the Course:

Students learn to:

-       Write simple compound sentences accurately,

-       Identify and use different tenses,

-       Generate ideas and write well-structured paragraphs,

-       Identify and correct different errors,

-       Build a solid foundation of English, especially in grammar and vocabulary.

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