Happy Thanksgiving! Hong Kong 2020
Even 2020 has been the most challenging year for many of us, we want you to know that we are very grateful for having your love and...
Where do you like to go on holiday?
Where do you like to go on holiday? Our sweet student Harry quickly replied, "I like to go to Fun to Learn on my holiday." This boy has...
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Hong Kong
Wish you and your family a happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I’m officially on maternity leave now. Mr V and I are very excited for this chapter...
See You Online In August!
為免疫情在社區持續爆發,我們經過慎重考慮後, 決定全面暫停8月份之所有面授課程,直至另行通知。期間,我們將會為幼稚園至初小組別的小朋友提供Online課程。停課期間,請大家保重身體,盡量避免不必要的外出和聚會,勤洗手, 並注意個人衛生。 感謝大家對Fun to...
Stay Healthy & Strong Everyone! 💪
Here are a few extra tips to stay healthy during this period of time. 1. Eat more fruit and vegetables. 2. Sleep more. 3. Exercise as...